Five or fifty, eight or eighty it is pretty much acknowledged by all that it’s very important to keep physically and mentally fit in order to feel your best.
Good nutrition and a healthy diet, a suitable amount of exercise and physical activity and engaging in hobbies for mental stimulation are all things that are under our control, and with each passing decade, it’s even more important to develop and maintain the type of good habits that will promote and sustain optimum health.
Here are some tips to help you to feel (and be!) your very best:
• Food is fuel for the body and if you aren’t eating a healthy and nutritious diet you will not be able to function at your best. Good
nutrition keeps your body strong and helps you to fight illness and disease. As an added bonus, there are certain foods such as green leafy vegetables, brightly colored fruits and fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids that also aid in mental acuity and improved focus. The good news is that most of these foods are readily available at the neighborhood supermarket and there is no need for any extra effort or to travel far to get the proper nutrition.
• Staying physically active is critical at every stage of life but even more so as you age. Even moderate physical activity can help you to maintain your agility and balance and hence reduce falls, improve your overall health and stay independent. There are many exercise classes designed specifically for seniors as well as apps and DVDs that can allow you to do these exercises in the comfort of your home. And don’t underestimate the value of walking. It’s been shown that even a small amount of walking can help to improve your mood and reduce stress.
• Hobbies can provide wonderful opportunities for social interaction
and mental stimulation both of which play a big role in helping
seniors to remain active and engaged. The chosen hobby can be a long
running passion that had to be curtailed during those years when the
majority of time was spent working and raising a family. With those
responsibilities “out of the way” seniors can now indulge in their
long-standing interests or even develop new ones.
So sure, there are lots of changes that come our way as we age but a few more grey hairs doesn’t mean that you can’t look and feel great. It’s in your power to be the best you can be at any age and the best time to start is right now!