here we are in the midst of summer. It seems like just yesterday that
we were complaining about all of the snow and cold weather that we were
experiencing in the Northeast, and now, here we are grumbling about the
heat and humidity.
Why can’t we always have perfect weather?:)
Yes, summer weather can be awfully uncomfortable but it can also be dangerous, and even more so for the elderly. Seniors are more likely to have a medical condition that necessitates taking medications that impact their internal temperature control. Couple that with a senior’s diminished physical stamina and overall inability to adjust as quickly when there are extreme temperature changes and a dangerous situation may occur.
Here’s how you can help your elderly friends, neighbors or relatives to “maintain their cool” during the dog days of summer:
First and foremost, make certain that you or someone else is checking in with them on a regular basis. Seniors should not be left on their own during a heat wave or for any prolonged period of time in extremely hot weather. If no one is available to maintain ongoing “supervision” you might want to consider hiring a home health aide or companion to ensure the safety and overall well-being of the senior.
Make certain that they have (and are using) an air conditioner or fan. Oftentimes the elderly retrain from using the very appliances that are designed to keep them safe and comfortable. If there is no fan or air conditioning, consider making the small investment to purchase one and if that isn’t possible, make certain they spend part of each day in an air conditioned public space such as the library, movies or shopping mall.
Staying hydrated is key and it is important that seniors drink plenty of water. Make sure that the water is stored in accessible, lightweight and easy to open bottles.
It’s important for seniors to get outside but in extremely hot weather it is best for them to stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day. Restrict outdoor excursions to early morning or after the sun has set. It’s also important for the senior to wear loose clothing in light colors, sunscreen and a hat (especially if the sun is out).
Summer is a wonderful time to indulge in fresh fruits and vegetables. Hot foods that need to be prepared on the stove or in an oven should be avoided so that the overall living space can stay as cool as possible.
Much of this is truly common sense but if overlooked the repercussions can be disastrous. Staying cool when the temperature soars is a must for all of us, but especially for seniors.