old adage of hoping for the best but planning for the worse definitely
rings true when it comes to aging. Contrary to many Magazine
Covers, we are all going to age… if we are lucky. Sometimes aging
isn’t pretty. Sometimes it comes with ugly diagnoses. Sometimes it comes
with life changing episodes.
Some of us will do well at 100 years of age and some of us will suffer in our 70s. As I tell my clients I do not have the crystal ball and I don’t know who does. So help the aging process by getting your financial house in order, try to keep fit by eating well and exercising, retrofit the house…you know the drill.
It also helps to have an advocate to help when your health changes whether it’s a relative or friend; or find a hired hand to help when you need it in the future.
When I am asked how soon it is to look at one’s aging lifestyle and plan from a financial, physical and emotional perspective…I say NOW. There are many choices in care. However, we tend to wait until an (unfortunate) event chooses for us. It’s normal to say “that won’t happen to me”. We all look in the mirror and see the 25 year old we remember. Aging happens….faster than you think. So think about it and find out about the options that fit your lifestyle.