his twilight years, American author Mark Twain noted that “life would
be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of 80 and
gradually approach 18.” This thinking is still with us almost two
centuries later. From Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth to the
Style Magazines and Fashion industry of today, Youth has been King and
Queen in our society.
With the Silver Tsunami upon us, we need to change our focus on aging. Too many people find aging difficult and depression is not uncommon as our functionality and cognitive abilities decline. We are just not ready for the aging process individually and collectively.
Imagine that wrinkles are beautiful, canes and walkers are welcome and memory loss is accepted. That’s the world we need to live in as our population tilts to the over 65 set. There are many obstacles—disease, disability to name a few– as we age. Instead of stopping in our tracks because of them look at the abilities and possibilities. Celebrate experience and knowledge, creativity and accomplishment. We have known for a long time that there is no Fountain of Youth. What about the Brilliance of Aging?