Being diabetic is difficult most of the time but especially during the
upcoming Holidays. According to the American Diabetes Association
more than 30 million Americans are living with Diabetes. Here are
some tips for those with Diabetes to get through the festivities.
The Thanksgiving meal is sometimes served earlier than dinnertime….many families eat early in the afternoon. Plan in advance if this does not line up with your regular mealtime. If you take pills or insulin injections, you may need to have a snack at your normal meal time to prevent a low blood glucose reaction. Check with your medical personnel about this.
Activity will also counter excessive eating. Find a way to be away from the food by engaging in activities with your family and friends such as playing Frisbee, soccer or touch football. Or, take a walk around the neighborhood.
Cooking a little lighter also is helpful not only for diabetics, but for all of us. Steaming vegetables, using less sugar, and using lighter substitutes such as sour cream and butter is also a good idea.
Bring your own healthy foods to snack on such as raw vegetables and a low calorie dip to avoid the fried appetizers.
Be selective when choosing your favorite Holiday foods. Pass on those that have the highest in carbohydrates.
Eat smaller portions. And eat your vegetables!!
Check out or search online for healthier versions of your favorite foods.
The bottom line is to enjoy yourself at these Holiday parties…but be responsible too!!