was in the card store and an older woman next to me was looking in the
“Get Well” Section. She uttered…”all my friends are
falling”. This is not uncommon for older adults. Here are
some tips that everyone should take into consideration to avoid Falls.
Review the following with your Doctor: What medications are you taking (including over-the-counter); Do you have a history of falls? Are the medications or a health issue causing the fall?
Physical Activity goes a long way toward fall prevention. Consider activities such as walking, swimming or tai chi. These activities reduce the risk of falls by improving strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.
Sensible Shoes may not be the most fashionable but it’s not too fashionable to be in the hospital with a broken hip. So trade in those high heels, floppy slippers and shoes with slick soles for properly fitting, sturdy shoes with nonskid soles.
Is your Home Safe? Look around your home and remove the throw rugs, loose wires and worn, loose wall to wall carpeting….they are tripping hazards that can easily be removed.