We are pleased to be sponsoring Teepa Snow’s Positive ApproachTM to Care (PAC) certification training, which is coming to Long Beach, NY March 16-17.
This certification program is designed for individuals who wish to learn to train others in PAC philosophy, providing dementia-related awareness, knowledge and skill development in a classroom, community or support group setting.
PAC-approved Trainers are licensed to train using the following workshop outlines:
- Normal Aging/Not Normal Aging
- Positive Physical Approach™ (PPA) and Hand-under-Hand™ (HUH)
- Teepa’s GEMS™; Using Skills that Make a Difference
Professionals who may benefit from this training include: Memory Care Program Directors, Resident Care Directors, CNAs and Social Workers in leadership positions, Staff Education Directors, Adult Day Program Directors, and Executive Directors.
Class size is limited to 25 participants, so be sure and register today!